Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

Let's take a little trip back just over 230 years ago. The place, a group of angry colonies in the New World.

At this time in history, the colonies were being strangled by the rule from England. Taxes were climbing and the needs of the people were not being addressed.

What was the spark that kindled the smoldering resentment in a full-blown revolution against the government? What was it that compelled our founding fathers to fire "the shot heard 'round the world"? The answer is simple, the British marched from Boston to seize the guns and ammunition held in Concord. Our forefathers did not want to sit idly by while the British government took steps to ensure they did not have the means to defend themselves against the tyranny of the government.

Our forefathers learned their lessons well and made sure the people had both the ability to defend their homes, families and property as well as the ability to take the country back from the new government they were creating should the need arise.

As Thomas Jefferson so eloquently put it; "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

Our founding fathers took a stand with their lives to create what was a great country. They stood shoulder to shoulder and thumbed their noses at one of the strongest countries in the world at that time. Their actions and words were branded as treasonous and had the revolution failed they would have surely paid with their lives. Is this how we repay their sacrifices?
Now I ask you: Are you a patriot or a tyrant?

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