Twice since he has taken office, BHO has slammed visiting Vegas as a sign of excess. Here are the quotes:
"When times are tough, you tighten your belts," he told the forum." You don’t go buying a boat when you can barely pay your mortgage. You don’t blow a bunch of cash in Vegas when you’re trying to save for college."
"You can't get corporate jets. You can't go take a trip to Las Vegas or go down to the Super Bowl on the taxpayers' dime. There's got to be some accountability and some responsibility.”
Now, I will agree that blowing the college tuition on a trip to Vegas may be irresponsible. However, as a private citizen, what I choose to spend my money on is my business. With the second quote, Obama was berating the banking industry for attending a convention in Las Vegas "on the taxpayers dime". Ironic isn't it that BHO is doing the same thing that he took the bankers to task for?
His trip to Vegas is for the sole purpose of trying to stop the bleeding in Reid's campaign. This visit to Vegas also includes BHO informing Nevada of the governmental pork that will be spent in the state. The trip has already negatively impacted tour flights in and around Vegas as tighter security measures were put in place for the visit. (Review Journal article)
Back in 2006, a report was put together for Rep. Henry Waxman (D, CA) as he attempted to recoup costs from Bush for campaign travel. The report outlines the costs of flying Air Force One per hour and the cargo plane that accompanies the president on his jaunts around the country.
Here is a breakdown of just what the flight from Washington DC to Vegas is costing the taxpayers based on 2006 costs:
Distance Washington DC to Las Vegas: 2060 miles
Air Force One
Cost per hour: $56,518
Flight time to Vegas: 3.26 hours
Sub total: $184,248.68
Cargo Plane
Cost per hour: $6,609
Flight time to Vegas: 3.97 hours
Sub total: $27,631
Total plane costs for one-way trip Washington DC to Las Vegas: $211,879.68
Round Trip cost (planes only) : $423,759.36
Let us not forget the additional costs associated with the travel of the president. Here is a quick list of expenses that the taxpayers will foot the bill for:
- Advance security team (air fare, hotels, food)
- Las Vegas police department (additional security/overtime)
- Entourage and BHO's hotel rooms and meals
- Rental vehicles, etc for transport of the entourage
Mr. President, who is paying for your flight on Air Force One, your security details and the other logistics associated with this little family vacation and campaign trip? Is it not the taxpayers? Should you not be held accountable for how you spend my money as well?