Yesterday was a historic day. It is a day that will rival 12/7/1941 and 9/11/2001 in infamy. March 21, 2010 will forever be remembered as the day that socialism came home to roost in the United States.
The Democratic side of the aisle passed legislation that was so flawed, in less than an hour they felt it was necessary to immediately try to revise said legislation. How screwed up is that? This bill was won by back room deals, promises of Executive Orders and secrecy. How can this be justified in any way at all?
Now I realize that some view our Constitution as an outdated piece of paper. However, it is the foundation for our country. A foundation that has survived and thrived since the founding of this great nation. Our country was founded on a firm belief that our rights were granted to us by our Creator, not by the government. The reason for this was simple, if a government grants you a right, that same government can take that right away from you. A right granted by our Creator can only be taken from us by Him and not by our elected officials.
Going back to the health care bill...
Although our government servants are very short on logic, even someone with basic math skills can tell that this process will only end up as another version of Medicare over time. The progressives have every intention of implementing a single payer system on the road to fully socialized medicine. They are going to accomplish this by making it impossible for the private industry to provide health care insurance and stay in business.
Insurance, by definition, is the pooling of resources and risks. The idea is that the resources will exceed the need for services. As the level of risk and subsequent need for money increase, the insurance company must raise the rates across the pool of individuals in order to maintain the same level of reserves.
As more higher risks individuals enter the group and the costs rise a cap on rate increases decreases the ability of the insurance company to meet the financial obligations of the insured. In short, the money runs out. As with any business, once the money is gone, bankruptcy will follow. That is unless the government steps in again to support the insurance companies as they did with AIG. The goverment will provide a bailout for those companies in exchange for a stake in that company witness the auto industry, the bank and even parts of the insurance industry in just the last year.
As more companies fail, there is little option left to the government other than to implement a single payer system with fully socialized medicine covering every citizen in America. After all, health care is now a "right" granted to us by the socialists. Therefore, that "right" will be protected at all costs by the socialists.
I can see companies that offer health insurance beginning to spin off those divisions in order to insulate themselves from bankruptcy. This will allow the health care side of the business to fail without impacting the remainder of the company. The government can then step in and take over those divisions in order to preserve the "right" of health care until they can be rolled into the new solcislized medicine plan.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Same old story, same old song and dance...
While I was in the Navy, there was an acronym used often that indicated things were not going to be going as we expected. The acronym was BOHICA which stood for Bend Over Here It Comes Again.
Well America, BOHICA. The Democrats (or should we just call them Progressives) are getting ready to ram one home in the form of "reconciliation" of the heath care bill. Amazing that the Senate bill could not garner enough support to pass in the House previously but now Pelosi figures she can round up enough idiots to pass it now.
Well America, BOHICA. The Democrats (or should we just call them Progressives) are getting ready to ram one home in the form of "reconciliation" of the heath care bill. Amazing that the Senate bill could not garner enough support to pass in the House previously but now Pelosi figures she can round up enough idiots to pass it now.
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