I watched the State if the Union address the other night and it almost cost me a new television as I was about ready to put my foot through mine. How can one person stand up in front of the nation and do what BHO did? Let me outline a few of my thoughts on this fiasco in no particular order.
BHO chastising the Supreme Court
WOW... it takes some kind of cajones or a complete lack of tact to stand up in front of the world and chastise another branch of our government. Especially when you first, are not accurate in what you are stating and second when that branch deals with the Constitutionality of the laws the other two branches write and pass.
The ruling in question, contrary to BHO's opinion, will not allow foreign countries to influence elections. The law prohibiting foreign influence is not the one that was in question. The law was declared unconstitutional as it stifles the First Amendment right of free speech.
Now Mr. President, I realize that you are not fond of the Constitution and the rights that are mentioned therein. You seem to want to step all over them as often as possible. However, the law was not just and therefore struck down. If you and your cronies want to pass another law, one that does not violate the Constitution, then feel free. I'll be interested to see how many of the other programs this administration is pushing can pass that same Constitutional test.
The Latest Executive OrderYet another example of the sheer arrogance of our President. The Senate refuses to pass a bill creating yet another government committee and the response is to form said committee by using an Executive Order? A little history here Mr. President... our Founding Fathers created three branches of our government for the sole purpose of ensuring that one branch was not able to create a dictatorship. However, your use of the Executive Orders is doing just that. Under our Constitution (again with that pesky document), the duties of the president are:
- To be Commander in Chief of the military
- To conduct foreign affairs
- To negotiate treaties with other nations
- To nominate members of the cabinet, judiciary, etc.
- To review and sign or veto bills
- To administer the laws of the nation
- To issue pardons as he sees fit
- To address the Congress from time to time to assess the state of the nation
I do not see anywhere in that list that the duties of the President includes creation of committees after the Senate has denied such an action.
"Green" Jobs
I know that the latest Washington buzzword to pull us out of this economic mess is the creation of alternative energy related jobs. In other words, we need to build more solar panels
, windmills and other assorted "green" items.
While jobs are certainly an issue, let's look at economics here. If there were money in making those items in this country, someone would be doing it on a grand scale. There has to be a market for the product and the company must be able to produce that product cheaper and/or better than one that is imported.
Let's face it, the U.S. as an industrial might went out the door at the same time the unions came in. Since BHO is currently catering to those same unions, it is highly unlikely that
there is going to be a climate that is conducive to new manufacturing jobs anytime in the near future.
So... we all go green and we can buy our solar panels from China and our windmills from Taiwan. More dollars going overseas and none coming back unless it is in the form of another loan to keep us afloat.
More on Jobs
So, now the jobs that BHO is proposing are little more than the Works Progress Administration (
WPA) jobs of the Roosevelt years. Let's put the country to work, building bridges, roads and dams then pay those employees from the public monies. While I can see some trickle down into the public sector, how much of this is going to lead to more government spending?
An Open Comment to our President
Yes, the country was in a mess when you started this job a year ago. However, you have taken things from bad to worse. Your administration has focused almost solely on health care reform. Something that is apparently not what the public wants. Maybe if you had spent the last year turning around the economy and focusing on jobs, Massachusetts voters would not have turned their back on the candidate you were campaigning for and your approval ratings would still be high.
Here is a suggestion; create a climate that allows businesses to grow and prosper, loosen the collar of the government and the unions that are holding back growth then watch what happens.
This Blame it on Bush mentality is wearing a bit thin to say the least. Your party has enjoyed a majority in both the House and Senate for a year now and still cannot accomplish a thing. My math tells me that a majority is 51%, not 60%. So then, why isn't anything getting done when your party has enjoyed more than enough votes to pass just about anything?
The capitalistic system works, leave it alone!. Mr. President, if the government decides that taking my hard earned money away from me and then "spread it around" to others, then I have no incentive to work. I can sit on my ass and await my check each month along with the others on the government tit.
Being successful is not a crime and it actually used to be encouraged in this country. If you worked hard, you made money. Make enough money and then you can have others work for you. It is that simple. Let me keep the fruits of my labor and I will decide who deserves to share in it, not the government.
Get off the ass of the banks. Yes, the government stepped in to bail out some of the banks. The same banks that were encouraged to make sub-prime loans. The same banks that the Federal Reserve is supposed to over see. Many of those banks have paid back that money, and in record time. Now leave them alone! Those repaid loans should release the banks from an obligation to the public or the government.
The budget "freeze". Freezing a bloated budget is like telling an obese person that freezing at 10,000 calories a day will help in losing weight. Let's take this a step further, Let's freeze the salaries of all governmental employees. Better yet, let's drop them to the level of their civilian counterparts and factor in all of their benefits. In fact, I'd even take a bit further for our elected officials, turn your entire salaries back in to the treasury for the use of the country. Show me that you are serious about cutting spending then maybe I can sit up and take notice of what you are trying to accomplish.
I received the following in an email the other day, and really liked the sentiments. Feel free to forward this to your elected officials:
The U.S. Post Service was established in 1775. You have had 234 years to get it right and it is broke.
Social Security was established in 1935. You have had 74 years to get it right and it is broke.
Fannie Mae was established in 1938. You have had 71 years to get it right and it is broke.
The War on Poverty started in 1964. You have had 45 years to get it right; $1 trillion of our money is confiscated each year and transferred to "the poor" and they only want more.
Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965. You have had 44 years to get it right and they are broke.
Freddie Mac was established in 1970. You have had 39 years to get it right and it is broke.
The Department of Energy was created in 1977 to lessen our dependence on foreign oil. It has ballooned to 16,000 employees with a budget of $24 billion a year and we import more oil than ever before. You had 32 years to get it right and it is an abysmal failure.
You have FAILED in every "government service" you have shoved down our throats while overspending our tax dollars