Tuesday, December 29, 2009

ILLEGAL Immigrants

OK, let me throw my cards on the table here. I am not politically correct...I speak my mind and tend not to worry all that much about offending others. Now that the cards are out there, let me clarify the oft misused term of "undocumented workers". While that is a PC way of stating that someone is in this country ILLEGALLY, it also glosses over the fact that these people are criminals. They are beginning their quest for citizenship by breaking our laws.

And while we are on the subject of ILLEGAL immigrants, let's take a look at some numbers and how they are impacting our collapsing economy. According to an April 15, 2009 news story in the Washington Post, the number of ILLEGAL immigrants is estimated to be "10.4 million adults and 1.5 million foreign-born children". Add to this number the estimated 4 million offspring of these ILLEGALS that have been born here and now can enjoy citizenship and we have a whopping 15.9 million people in this country that do not belong here.

Let's take the number of adults, many of whom are employed in some fashion here in the U.S. (BTW, it is also ILLEGAL to hire the ILLEGAL immigrants). According the the Bureau of Labor statistics, there are 14.4 million unemployed Americans as of November 2009.

Let's do a bit of simple math here...14.4 million unemployed minus the 10.4 million jobs that the ILLEGALS are holding down equals 4.4 million total people that would remain unemployed if the ILLEGALS weren't here stealing jobs. Wow...even with my poor math skills, that looks like a simple way to drop the unemployment rate by about 2/3rds.

Now let's factor in a few other items that are impacting our economy by the ILLEGALS. Many of these CRIMINALS earn money here in the U.S. and then promptly ship it out to family and friends in their home country. Therefore, simple deductive reasoning would indicate that money that is earned here and then shipped out of the country is lost to the economy here and benefits the foreign economy and not ours.

According to an article on gallup.com (9/22/2009) , "According to the World Bank, Mexico received more than $25 billion in remittances in 2007; a great deal of this money came from the U.S.". So first we have the impact of the loss of jobs for the citizens of this country combined with the loss of $25 billion that is shipped to Mexico alone.

None of the above takes into consideration the ancillary costs that these ILLEGALS are costing each and every one of the taxpayers in this country through the social services these ILLEGALS are using every day...food stamps, housing, medical care, ad infinitum. All of these services are costly to those of us forced to pay for them. In many cases, the ILLEGALS are in line at the emergency room or for other services that delay the ability of a citizen to receive the services that their tax dollars are paying for.

Before I get a barrage of angry messages about my lack of compassion for immigrants, let me clarify a few items. I am the product of immigrants. According to the best information that I have discovered in years of genealogy research, my ancestors came here legally. The earliest settlers that bear the same name I do and from whom I have descended were here in 1775 according to census records. The other branches of my family arrived from that time until the early part of the 20th century. The most recent immigrant was from Ireland and went through Ellis Island.

I understand that, in spite of the views from the Socialists currently running our government, what we have here is the envy of the world. There are many that would love to have the standard of living that we (at least used to) enjoy. However, if we continue to allow this influx of those that steal our jobs and then send that money back home, we will continue to see a dilution of our way of life.




Kalifornia Wackjobs

I cannot believe the idiocy of some people...even the folks from Kalifornia have to be shaking their heads about this.

Apparently Ricardo Dominguez, an associate professor of visual arts at UC San Diego has decided to not only help the ILLEGAL aliens that are invading this country by building a GPS enabled application to help the criminals cross the border successfully and will even pipe them inspirational poetry to encourage them while breaking the law.

Now let's see if I can draw a good parallel here....I build an application that explains how to circumvent the security system of a bank to allow others to steal from said bank. The application also includes poetry to encourage the criminals during the heist. Am I not an accessory to the crime?

Why is this moron still collecting a paycheck from the state? And better yet, why is he not in jail??